- Sage-Grouse and Spring grazing continues to be a topic of conversation for many interested in rangelands. Dr. Karen Launchbaugh, University of Idaho Rangeland Center, has an on going study on just this topis. To read more on “Grouse and Grazing: Effects of Spring Grazing on Sage-Grouse Populations” click on this link: https://www.uidaho.edu/cnr/rangeland-center/projects/grouse
- “Cooperative Photo Monitoring” In 2014 the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) putting in to place a program that has training and a framework for cooperative photo monitoring. This program is a huge tool to provide data and information for ranchers and land managers to maintain and improve the health of Idaho’s public rangelands.
To read more on “Cooperative Photo Monitoring” and the MOU Factsheet and MOU click on this link: https://agri.idaho.gov/main/animals/range-management-program/cooperative-photo-monitoring/
To read the BLM press release on the Cooperative Photo Monitoring program click on this link: https://www.blm.gov/press-release/blm-and-isda-partner-ranchers-monitor-rangeland-health-idaho
Please continue to check back as we build and add information here.
- Wolves bring up many different visuals and concepts for many different people. Learn more about about wolves and their interaction with people and livestock by viewing the five part series on wolves at the Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission’s Life on the Range. It is important to view the series in sequence to get the full understanding. Click on this link to view the wolf series: https://idrange.org/life-on-the-range
Looking for good solid rangeland information? Try these source:
- Idaho Rangelands – https://globalrangelands.org/state/idaho – is a page in the Global Rangelands Network which provide public and private land managers, researchers, extension professionals, educators, and the public in the U.S. and worldwide with the information and tools they need for sustainable management of rangelands, informed decision-making, professional enhancement, and educational activities.
- Range Science Information System – www.rangescience.info – (RSIS) is a database of over 1,300 peer-reviewed bibliographic citations to professional journal articles and documents focused on: riparian, weeds, rangeland, wildlife, vegetation and soils research. Article bibliographic citations include additional research information such as: the type of article (primary research, synthesis article or case study), location of study, a summary of methods or area of influence, major findings or main points, topic categories, and annotations.
- Journal of Rangeland Applications – www.thejra.info – is a source of practical applications for people interested in the results of scientific research that focuses on rangeland management issues. Articles are syntheses of findings/conclusions from multiple research projects. The primary goal of these syntheses is to identify important scientific work that can be used to make or evaluate land and grazing management decisions. This is a journal for useful information that has been carefully distilled from the results of published findings from original research.
Following are links of interest: